Tonight I feasted at Taqueria Uptown which is located in the Edgewater neighborhood of Chicago. You may remember from a previous post that this particular purveyor of burritos is across the street from El Norte. They battle for burrito supremacy on this busy street corner. I imagine that occassionally they dual in back alleys. That'd be cool to see. I was immediately impressed upon entry to Taqueria Uptown at the number of native Mexican people eating in the restaurant. To me this is a sign that this establishment had food reminiscent of their homeland. Of course, maybe all they ate back home was the equivalent of Waffle House so that isn't always the best gauge of food quality. I ordered an Al Pastor burrito. I believe he was the Chicago alderman that popularized burritos back in the 40's. Someone should look that up. The burrito was pretty decent. The cook mixed in onion with the meat while grilling which carmelized them a bit. That made me smile. The meat was just OK though. The other ingrediants were decent although it's hard to mess up lettuce, tomato, sour cream, and cheese. All in all I would give this burrito a 5.5. One interesting thing that this restaurant does is they give you chips and refried bean dip instead of salsa. Probably because Mexicans don't eat salsa as much as we think they do - much like French people probably don't eat french fries all that often. Anyway, the bean dip had the consistency of poo which I didn't like. I don't like eating poo as a general rule and this was pushing the boundaries of a poo-like substance. Now that I think about it, the dip could very well have been poo. I have never eaten poo so I don't know what it tastes like. I may have to bring a sample home and test it in my lab. I bet the health department has some kind of rule against serving poo in restaurants. Someone should look that up.
Until we meet again....
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