Friday, April 20, 2012

Burritos & Reefer

April 20th (4/20) is the pot smokers national holiday. I won’t post why, but if you really want to know the reasons for this, I recommend asking one of your stoner friends. Then, after getting a rambling and drawn out half coherent response, you can google it (or yahoo it*) and find out the real reason.

Personally, I pass on grass. This is a steadfast rule. Fortunately, there are probably enough exceptions to the rule to prove this rule 100% true, most of the time. While I am not a smoker, it is undeniable to realize the link between reefer and burritos.

For all of you stoners who read this site**, I have put together some suggestions that you may want to take to integrate burritos with your big day:

10.Roll a joint that looks alike a burrito
9. Use your steamroller as a burrito holder
8. Use your burrito as a steamroller
7. Bake yourself a space burrito
6. Bake a space burrito for your friend or spouse and don’t tell them until after they eat it
5. Bake your boss a space burrito and earn and afternoon (or longer) off work
4. Instead of smoking that medical grade dank, try smoking some Mexican swag (OK not recommended)
3. After toking, write some love songs about burritos
2. Figure out a way to use a burrito as a gravity bong (advanced)
1. Purchase your product in a neighborhood full of burrito joints

OR Continue to get high (as you normally do) and get a burrito when you get the munchies (as you normally do).

You can thank me for these wonderful recommendations with the payment of a juicy and tasty burrito!

* That one was for you Morzer
** I am assuming that about 95% are stoners. I mean why else would you read a website devoted to burritos!

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